Speedy Fresh Blog

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Tips and Tricks

May 20, 2024

Laundry Hacks for the Busy Adult: Keep Your Clothes Fresh on the Fly

These laundry hacks save busy adults time by using divided hampers, overnight soaking, quick-drying tricks, mesh bags, cold wash cycles, dryer sheets, stain remover pens, scheduled laundry days, streamlined folding, and mesh bags for socks.

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Laundry Facts & Tips and Tricks

April 15, 2024

The Surprising Benefits of Using a Laundromat

Laundromats offer a variety of benefits, including no initial investment, handling large loads, time efficiency, energy and water savings, no maintenance worries, professional results, space-saving for urban dwellers, a sense of community, and flexibility in scheduling.

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Tips and Tricks

March 11, 2024

6 tips to Make Your Laundry Eco-Friendly

Eco-friendly laundry habits are essential for the environment and your wallet. You can choose a laundromat with green initiatives like Speedy Fresh, which uses energy-efficient machines and eco-friendly detergents. Opt for wash and fold services that clean large loads efficiently. Additionally, wash clothes in cold water, run full loads, air dry whenever possible, and choose plant-based detergents.