Tips and Tricks

5 Laundry Hacks for Busy Moms

February 15, 2024

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The amount of time a busy mom spends on laundry can vary widely based on the size of the family, the age of the children, and their activities. However, on average, a parent can spend anywhere from five to seven hours a week doing laundry. This estimate includes the time spent sorting and loading the laundry, switching it to the dryer or hanging it up to dry, folding or ironing, and then putting everything away. If there are any stains or delicate items that need special attention, this could add to the time.

Moreover, it's not just about the actual time spent doing the laundry, but also about the mental load of remembering when to do laundry, sorting items correctly, and managing it among other household chores and responsibilities. All of this can be time-consuming and add up to a significant amount of effort for a busy mom. Using a wash and fold service like Speedy Fresh Laundromat can save busy moms significant time and free them up to focus on other tasks or simply enjoy some much-needed personal time.


As a busy mom, juggling multiple tasks can be challenging, especially when laundry piles up. Here are the top five laundry tips to help simplify your routine:

Create a Laundry Schedule: Choose specific days of the week to tackle the laundry. For example, washing on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday can help keep the laundry pile manageable. Alternatively, assign different types of laundry to different days (e.g., towels on Tuesday, sheets on Sunday).

Use Baskets for Sorting: Invest in multiple laundry baskets and label them for whites, darks, and colors. This saves time sorting laundry and makes it easy for other family members to contribute by putting their clothes in the right basket.

Pre-Treat Stains: When you notice a stain, treat it right away. Keeping a stain remover nearby and using it as soon as stains appear will save you time and effort in trying to remove set-in stains during wash day.

Fold Clothes Right Away: Fold your clothes as soon as they're dry. This reduces wrinkles and the need for ironing. If you have older kids, engage them in this task – it's a great way to teach responsibility and lessen your workload.

Consider a Laundry Service: Services like Speedy Fresh Laundromat offer pick-up and delivery options for busy moms. They wash, dry, and fold your clothes, saving you several hours a week. It's a time-saving option worth considering if laundry is taking too much of your precious time.

By integrating these tips into your routine, you can make laundry a less time-consuming and more efficient task, freeing up time for other responsibilities or some well-deserved rest.


Balancing work, family, and personal time can leave you with little energy to tackle household chores like laundry. That's why we've created an efficient, time-saving solution just for you - a pick-up and delivery laundry service.

At Speedy Fresh Laundromat, we understand that every minute matters in your busy schedule. So, let us handle your laundry while you focus on what's truly important. Our wash and fold laundry service takes the hassle out of doing laundry. Simply gather your dirty clothes, and our team will pick up your full load directly from your doorstep at your convenience.

Our trusted professionals will then launder your clothes in our Brooklyn-based laundromat, equipped with state-of-the-art, energy-efficient machines. We use eco-friendly detergents to ensure your clothes come back clean, fresh, and safe for your family. Once your clothes are clean, folded, and packaged, we deliver them back to your doorstep. You'll have clean clothes ready to wear without stepping a foot in a laundromat. With Speedy Fresh Laundromat, doing laundry has never been more convenient or less time-consuming. Give us a try today, and take one more task off your busy to-do list.

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